Fixing Weights

The Weight fields in the Selected Items table allow you to type percentage values for each category if you want to revise the values generated by the system as the system will always equalize weights.

The Total Weight value updates each time a weight value is revised in the fields.

If the Total Weight value is over 100, you have the option to click the Equalize Weights to spread the weights equally among the items.

You can also click Normalize Weights to 100 to normalize the weights to 100. In this case, the application splits the weights according to the percentage emphasis in the fields.

Achievements do not have a weight value because achievements are not scored for an employee.

For example, if a three-way split was 65-40-25 and you clicked Normalize Weights to 100, the weights would adjust to 50-30.77-19.23. The weights would still maintain their varying distribution, but would add up to 100.